
Made in the Image of God

Satan uses lies to distort our perception of self, God, and others. He is at work disconnecting mankind (the creation) from God (the creator) there by destroying the honor given to man having been made in God’s inage and subsequently, the purpose of mankind.

Sher Pai

For years, I have struggled with finding my identity. I tried hanging around the cool kids at school, doing drugs and alcohol, having sex, relationships, but nothing seemed to work out.

I kept hearing people talk about being self-made, or the usual ‘you need a good dose of self-esteem’ crap. I had tried all that, but why did I still feel empty?

Because I bought into the lies of Satan. Just like Eve, Satan made me believe that God was with holding something from me. Something I could only find outside of Him. But that wasn’t true! You see we all are made in the image of God! We all can have a relationship with God. We all have a purpose and a mission on Earth!

Then I got saved. But I kept listening to Satan’s lies, that I am worthless. I am a failure. Everybody and everything around me tried to shape my identity, I had a vision of who I wanted to be, what I wanted to do, but all this was so short of what God wanted for me, What He wanted me to become.

God has given us authority. He gave us the breath of life. He made us in His image. He loves us. He wants us. He says we are worth it. He sent His son to come die for us, to free us from the bondage and lies of Satan. He wants a relationship with us.

Let’s stop listening to what Satan, society, our parents, our friends have to say about us, let’s listen to God. Who He says we are.

Remember You are made in God’s image.

Genesis 1 and 2.

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